Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ava Rosemeyer

I stumbled across the most beautiful and heart wrenching blog the other night...It is the blog of Sheye incredible photographer!!! Her blog is filled with stories from her own family...stories filled with memories of her little girl who sadly left this earth exactly 2 years ago from when I read the blog (5th February 2007)...she was only 3 years old . I was physically moved to tears and I lay awake that night not able to sleep...thinking about her story and my own little family. I lay awake thinking about how I spend each moment with my most precious little boy Zavia, I thought about how I could treasure each moment with him, I thought about how I could stop taking him and those I love for granted. If you get a chance, please check out Sheyes blog (, just make sure you have tissues handy!

Ava, thank you for making me stop and re-evaluate my life and how I interact with those around me...You have tought me more than you know.

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About Me

My photo
I have been fascinated with the art of photography for as long as I can remember...I have dabbled in it for years but my 'obsession' didn't really take hold until the birth of my son, Zavia. I was so upset by the lack of good photos we had from his first few weeks of life that it has become my challenge ever since to take as many beautiful images of him as possible. I realised how important it was to capture all of those little moments that shoot past so quickly...and why stop at photographing Zavia when I obviously have a (I hate to use this word...but...) passion for photographing children and families. That's how 'Sprout Photography' was born. You can check out my website at
